Heikki Toivonen's Writings


Blog, mostly about software and related technologies.

I am active on stackoverflow.com, see my stackoverflow.com profile.

Ubuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron) 64bit on Dell Latitude D830. I have also written about my experiences running Ubuntu on other laptops, linked from this same article.


Chandler Documentation
I wrote quite a bit of documentation for the Chandler project. For example: 0.7 Passwords Specification and other specifications, Chandler Security and other wiki pages, various blog posts, notes, and so on.
Debugging Mozilla on Windows FAQ
I created this in 2001.
Extending Mozilla or How To Do The Impossible
This is the first paper written by non-Netscape employees describing what the Mozilla code is and how to tackle the code, 1999. The link is to a copy in the WaybackMachine, since the original has been lost.


Master's Thesis.

Bachelor's Thesis.

Role Playing Games

The Dead of Winter Campaign.